It's a bargain!

My cat "Kimbo" often wanders off at night, enjoying his prowling. After a neighbour complained to me, I had an "Invisible Fence" installed which was supposed to keep the cat inside the perimeter of my house and yard. The cat got spooked by the little jolt it got and actually bolted in the wrong direction - through the perimeter - and got out!

After 2 days of not finding him, I finally got him back. At this point, I bought a Tabcat Cat Tracker. It was delivered in 3 days. Set it up and put it on the cat's collar. Sure enough a week later, I let the cat out mistakenly thinking he had "learned" how the "Invisible Fence" worked. Not so! He must have again bolted thru the perimeter. He never came home the next morning. I turned on my Tabcat and quickly determined the cat was not in my house - saved a bunch of time looking with no purpose. When I got home from work, I started walking around the block with the Tabcat on...nothing was happening. I thought "oh, great, another worthless toy I bought." All of a sudden, it sprung to life! I followed the beeps and signal strength, and adjusted my cat came out of a bush and walked towards me as if nothing was amiss! I scooped him up in my arms and took him home. Tabcat WORKS as advertised and for what it costs, it's a bargain.

I also have 2 GPS collar systems for our dogs, but no such system is yet light enough for cat use. The GPS systems are almost $1000 for one dog, and about $1200 for two, as you only need to buy another transmitter. Sure, the GPS is better, but they don't make them for cats yet, and at approximately 10 times the cost of a Tabcat Cat Tracker, there is no comparison. The Tabcat is the BEST product I have ever seen for the problem of a wandering neighbourhood domestic cat and very cost-effective. I will gladly recommend the Tabcat Cat Tracker to all cat lovers everywhere. Excellent product!!

- Peter (Canada)

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