Loc8tor saved my cats life!
A few months ago, I noticed that I hadn't seen my orange tabby Jones in a few hours, so I pulled out my trusty Loc8tor Pet and immediately got a signal. I went looking and quickly followed the beeps to a bush, under which I found Jones. He was nearly dead - another hour and he would have passed. His pelvis was broken, as was his leg and tail. He was deep in shock - all four of his legs were already ice-cold. He was barely aware of his surroundings.
I rushed to the vet and they got him semi-stabilized and sent me to the veterinary hospital two hours away. He was kept in the ICU for two nights, during which it was touch and go the entire time. Until the last morning, we were quite sure that he had permanent spinal damage and would live for a year at most. Luckily, thanks to Loc8tor and some amazing vets, he recovered fully.
In all his five years he had never once hidden under that bush. Apparently, he'd been hit by a car and with his last ounce of strength run to that bush and collapsed. Without loc8tor, it would have taken me hours and hours until I looked there and he surely would have died.
- Naomi