Momo is a traveler cat who lives on a sailboat
Momo is a traveler cat who lives on a sailboat, when up to port, out to take a walk and find a new place. He and his family an adorable couple came to a small fishing village and surprisingly Momo did not return from his walk. After 4 days lost I see the ad they had placed on the internet and I saw a label on the collar. I contacted them for help and drove around town, stopping to use the Tabcat tracking device. After searching for hours, past midnight, a weak signal in the locator did we have high hopes. Gradually, following the Tabcat signal, we were approaching Momo, hiding, he responded with fear and relief to the call of his own. Momo finally could hug his beloved companion. Who loves his cat like this couple knows the excitement that we had at that time. Now Momo continues its adventure surrounded by love and happiness.
- Ana M & Luigi (Spain)
- Ana M & Luigi (Spain)