Thanks for providing such lifesaver!

Hello to all the Tabcat team I just wanted to say a big thank you for exemplary after service and also to tell you a marvellous story which has proved to me how valuable the Tabcat Cat Tracker is!

A couple of days ago one of my cats went missing. Bertie never wanders far and we had become very concerned and started searching for him using the Tabcat we purchased from you in December last year. We live in a very rural environment which meant trouping miles across hilly countryside. The weather was deplorable, raining, high winds and very, very cold. Using the Tabcat Cat Tracker we tracked Bertie and eventually found him up a big tree, on the banks of a burn in full spate, and on the opposite side. We would never have imagined Bertie could have crossed this burn (we still don’t know how he managed it!). We even doubted the Tabcat and thought that the signal was being ‘interfered’ with by an electrical power box nearby. Bertie let out a loud meow and we were right in front of him on the other side of the burn – we will remember to look upwards as well as on the ground next time! To find him was absolutely amazing given the conditions and the distance away from home. My husband has estimated that the distance from where we actually picked up the first ‘bleep’ was at least 500 yards away from where Bertie was (in a straight line and with nothing in between to break the signal). We are very impressed and we wanted to say thanks for providing such a life saver!

We ended up having to cart a huge ladder across a couple of fields, cross the burn and then climb the tree but eventually managed to rescue Bertie and get him home safely. If it hadn’t been for the Tabcat Tracking device I seriously doubt we would have found him.

- Rachel (UK)

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